Agent-based Modelling in Socio-hydrology

Leitung: | PD Dr.-Ing. Jörg Dietrich |
Team: | Prajna Kasargodu Anebagilu |
Jahr: | 2017 |
Förderung: | Leibniz University (research staff), DAAD (student visits), CHRIAM Concepcion (field survey in Chile) |
Laufzeit: | 2017-2022 |
Due to complex social relationships and non-rational behavior, human-environment interactions are less predictable than natural processes. Agent-based models (ABM) can be a connecting link within a socio-hydrological modeling framework for the development of environmental policies. It is important that the environmental policies optimize not only the different environmental criteria but should be tailored to farmers’ attitudes towards the environment and their economic interests to reach a high level of acceptance and collaboration. The developed framework is based on a modified Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and implemented by integrating the behavioral model into an agent-based model with an agro-hydrological model and decision rules.
A case study is conducted with farmers from the Larqui river basin, Chile to understand their view on the implementation of vegetative filter strips to reduce soil loss in their agricultural fields and to protect water bodies. The data for the case study was collected by conducting an onsite-survey of the farmers in the basin.
In collaboration with:
- University of Concepcion (Prof. Jose Luis Arumi, Lissette Prado)
- Institute for Environmental Economics and World Trade, Leibniz Universität Hannover (Dr. Etti Winter)